Emery County Archives Photographs:
4-H, Pg 02, Udell & 1st steer project 1944
Emery County Archives Photographs:
4-H, Pg 03a, 1945 Emery County
Emery County Archives Photographs:
4-H, Pg 03b, Udell & Steer Red 1945 Ferron
Emery County Archives Photographs:
4-H, Pg 04, Udell & steer Butch, 1946 SLC
Emery County Archives Photographs:
4-H, Pg 07, Udell 1946 & grand champion Ferron
Emery County Archives Photographs:
4-H, Pg 08, blue ribbon calves & Udell 1946
Emery County Archives Photographs:
4-H, Pg 09, Udell & steers 1946 NoSLC
Emery County Archives Photographs:
4-H, Pg 11, Udell & steer Gene 1946 Ogden
Emery County Archives Photographs:
4-H, Pg 16, Udell & steer Johnny June 1947
Emery County Archives Photographs:
4-H, Pg 18, NoSLC 1947, Roger Curtis #1, Udell #6
Emery County Archives Photographs:
4-H, Pg 19, Udell & steer Tony II, Cedar City 1947
Emery County Archives Photographs:
4-H, Pg 22a, new barn at Ferron 1948
Emery County Archives Photographs:
4-H, Pg 22b, clipping of stock, Ferron 1948
Emery County Archives Photographs:
4-H, Pg 23a, Udell & champion steer clipping 1948, Ferron
Emery County Archives Photographs:
4-H, Pg 23b, Ferron 1948, Red Spot grand champion
Emery County Archives Photographs:
4-H, Pg 31, Udell & steer, 1948 SLC
Emery County Archives Photographs:
4-H, Pg 33, Udell & steer Dutch, 1948
Emery County Archives Photographs:
4-H, Pg 35, Udell & steer 1948
Emery County Archives Photographs:
4-H, Pg 37, K Peterson, R Dahle, D Stokes, D Mathews 1948
Emery County Archives Photographs:
Rochester Panel just above Dad's rock art
Emery County Archives Photographs:
Dad Rufus, Uncle Luke more rock art
Emery County Archives Photographs:
Dad Rufus, Uncle Luke more rock art1
Emery County Archives Photographs:
Dad Rufus, Uncle Luke rock art 1927
Emery County Archives Photographs:
Dad Rufus, Uncle Luke rock art 19271
Emery County Archives Photographs:
Dad Rufus, Uncle Luke rock art 19272
Emery County Archives Photographs:
Mr. Kieth Albrecht --teacher of Ag.
Emery County Archives Photographs:
FAA, Pg 01a, 1949 Ferron stockshow bldg
Emery County Archives Photographs:
FAA, Pg 01b, 1948 clippings, Udell, Ted Crawford, Ken Peterson
Emery County Archives Photographs:
FAA, Pg 02, Udell clipping, booklet, 1949
Emery County Archives Photographs:
FAA, Pg 03a, Udell & Benny's champion steer 1949