Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: 2005 Cadillac party Copenhagen Distortion Island Brygge # IMG7914 pppd 1M
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: Protest fashion @ Copenhagen Distortion
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: distortion protest fashion headband Pierre 0IMG_4817
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: IMG_4995 # ppp bestofft
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: Debate Rave at Distortion 2009 ULTRACONTEMPORARY ART FORMAT "Protest Fashion " / DEBATE RAVE
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: DEBATE RAVE a2009
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: IMG_0396 # ppp bestofft
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: Debate Rave at Copenhagen distortion a2009 cglikes dt # ppp bestofft IMG_0666
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: Debate Rave at Copenhagen distortion a2009 cglikes dt IMG_0667
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: asmund copyflex boat 14july IMG_1235
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: ASMUND PP BESTOFF IMG_1260
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: Copenhagen Distortion street party Norrebro 2010 #IMG6703 pppd 4 MB
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: Copenhagen Distortion Boat Submarine Langebro Street Party Denmark #IMG6806 pppd
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: Copenhagen Distortion 2012 Street Party Denmark # IMG-3374 pppd
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: "COOLNESS IS OUR DEFAET " c/o Copenhagen Distortion ( jazz festival ) # ppp bestofft
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: Copenhagen Distortion 2012 . Raver Bus in the air # DSC07952 pppd
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: Copenhagen Distortion 2013 Street Party under bridge Nørrebro Denmark # MG-6330 3MB pppd
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: Copenhagen Distortion 2013 Street Party under bridge Nørrebro Denmark #MG-6330 3MB pppd
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: 2014 Copenhagen Distortion street party Norrebro #MG6134 pppd 2MB
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: 2014 Copenhagen Distortion street party Vesterbro # pppd MG7005
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: 2014 Copenhagen Distortion Street Party Vesterbro Denmark #MG7265 pppd
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: 2014 Copenhagen Distortion Street Party Denmark Norrebro #MG6446 pppd
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: 2014 Copenhagen Distortion party in the swimming pool at DGI byen #IMG7651 pppd
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: 2014 Copenhagen Distortion party in the swimming pool at DGI byen #IMG7651 pppd
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: are parties used as political tools " textile vs1 tijana miskovic curator art # ppp bestofft
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: Copenhagen Distortion / photophoto by Colonel
Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel: Sign Please Touch from the serie “ Duduchamp Entertainant “.Copenhagen Distortion 2003 Techno Rave party # skilte traffic code route road panneau circulation slogan signal clubbing dancing dancing raving Marcel Duchamp