Emerald watcher: House of the Goddess
Emerald watcher: Hypogean memories
Emerald watcher: Ruined altars of wisdom
Emerald watcher: Lunar over the house of the goddess
Emerald watcher: Sacrum ad Conditum
Emerald watcher: Malleanum
Emerald watcher: Through golden ramparts
Emerald watcher: On a crimson trail
Emerald watcher: Atop seats of kings
Emerald watcher: And the forts of a mind's tale
Emerald watcher: Malleanum
Emerald watcher: "The self is silenced in twilight winds"
Emerald watcher: Crumbling walls, where green prevails.
Emerald watcher: Demise of southern winter
Emerald watcher: Cowman's Gate
Emerald watcher: Per laesa refugia
Emerald watcher: A broken door, to oniric shelters
Emerald watcher: Oaken ataraxia
Emerald watcher: Aquae, et petrae sarcina
Emerald watcher: A passage, in the dusk