emepps: Rock garden
emepps: Hosta spike
emepps: Osteospermum
emepps: Osteospermum
emepps: Garden shed window
emepps: Sunset over the Skagit River
emepps: Glisten
emepps: Life preserver
emepps: White rowboat
emepps: Rowboat
emepps: Masthead of the HMS Bounty
emepps: Amazing Grace
emepps: Ship fender
emepps: Zodiac
emepps: Peonies
emepps: Globe thistle
emepps: B&W rose
emepps: Red tulip
emepps: Tulip Flamenco!
emepps: Yellow dahlia and bud
emepps: "William D." dahlia
emepps: Tulip field
emepps: "Fuzzy Bob"
emepps: Sunflower
emepps: Pink-and-purple flowering kale
emepps: Hen and chicks (Sempervivum tectorum)
emepps: Orange rose
emepps: Space Needle in the mist
emepps: Wire vine (Muehlenbeckia complexa)
emepps: Gradient