emepps: Tacoma Museum of Glass, Tacoma, WA
emepps: Hawaiian Chieftain
emepps: Life preserver
emepps: A jumble of nauticaliana
emepps: Stern of Mallory Todd
emepps: Run up the flags
emepps: White rowboat
emepps: SR 509 Cable-Stayed Bridge, Tacoma, WA
emepps: Mast
emepps: Cutty Sark
emepps: Rowboat
emepps: Merrie Ellen, HMS Bounty, and CGC Eagle in the rain
emepps: Sailboat
emepps: Masthead of the HMS Bounty
emepps: Hawaiian Chieftain
emepps: Amazing Grace
emepps: Lynx
emepps: Lady Washington
emepps: Kayak sightseers
emepps: Lady Washington
emepps: HMS Bounty stern detail
emepps: Stern lantern on the HMS Bounty
emepps: Stern of the HMS Bounty
emepps: Ship fender
emepps: Sailboat sightseers
emepps: A maze of masts
emepps: Zodiac
emepps: CGC Eagle
emepps: Masthead of the CGC Eagle
emepps: Placard in the head