emdurso: Train crossing
emdurso: End of the rail
emdurso: Detritus among the tracks
emdurso: Into the woods
emdurso: Wooden ties
emdurso: First switch
emdurso: Track split
emdurso: Close up of switch 1
emdurso: Detail on switch 1
emdurso: Looking back at track split
emdurso: Switch #2
emdurso: shipping track?
emdurso: Ye olde abandondede factorye
emdurso: More factory fun
emdurso: The end
emdurso: Tanks for nothing
emdurso: Loud things?
emdurso: More factory stuff
emdurso: Lowell street overpass
emdurso: Under Lowell street, east
emdurso: Graffiti
emdurso: Under Lowell street, west
emdurso: More tracks, looking west
emdurso: Max pack/ box factory
emdurso: Abandoned ROW, looking west
emdurso: Abandoned ROW, from Lowell st, Somerville
emdurso: Somerville Junction
emdurso: Closer look at Somerville Junction
emdurso: Somerville Junction
emdurso: Curve