emdot: matilija
emdot: matilija
emdot: Above the Big Sur fog, above the pacific ocean
emdot: Sunset above the cloud bank
emdot: The Sunset of Spaciousness
emdot: Chimney Rock at Ghost Ranch
emdot: Big Sky + Chimney Rock
emdot: Morro Rock
emdot: Morro Strand stretch
emdot: small flocks
emdot: Highway One Cloud Show
emdot: Coming Rain
emdot: The friendship of the clouds and chimney rock
emdot: The too perfect wedding. Drama backdrop.
emdot: O, West Texas
emdot: advance and retreat
emdot: Johnson Ranch (Grasslands version)
emdot: IMG_3410
emdot: Entering SLO County
emdot: The orange and the green-silver of it all
emdot: it's official: yellow is the color of march
emdot: flowers. plural.
emdot: IMG_1349
emdot: IMG_7221
emdot: This beautiful world
emdot: good morning (fort davis sunrise version)
emdot: red-wing blackbird in the mustard field
emdot: little flower
emdot: summer revery