emdot: morro rock today
emdot: Solomon, AZ
emdot: Shandon Chapel
emdot: Ventura
emdot: As above, so below
emdot: The trees they are a-blooming
emdot: staying up late and talk talk talkin
emdot: shawl/scarf progress
emdot: MailChimp socks on our road trip. (Mailchimp sent these out to customers who opted in to a mail tip newsletter for the holidays). I'm a fan. #mailchimp #mailchimpsocks
emdot: Eastern Arizona
emdot: My A Book Apart Library makes me happy. Great books to have, to give to others and to lend. Recently gave You're My Favorite Client to someone I am newly working with. Great info in it for people working with designers. @abookapart
emdot: upload
emdot: My desk :)
emdot: Lili and Tater.
emdot: An evening at Morro Rock
emdot: Big Sur River Inn -- ukelele style
emdot: Here are the books I ordered while at An Event Apart
emdot: South side of Morro Rock, looking toward Montana de Oro. Cloud version.
emdot: Abby at the beach
emdot: birds of paradise
emdot: The fisherman
emdot: josie
emdot: Three girls. One tree.
emdot: Sunspotlight
emdot: Cal Poly Hackathon
emdot: Cal Poly Hackathon
emdot: Pacific spotlight
emdot: Ragged Point
emdot: sand dollar surfers