emdot: hitherto unidentified bovine
emdot: sunset to the back of me fog to the right here i am stuck in the middle with you
emdot: friday night lights
emdot: bad gulls bad gulls what you gonna do
emdot: see: otter
emdot: unfortunately what gets chewed in vegas does not stay in vegas
emdot: scrum
emdot: pansy ash
emdot: matilija? i barely know ja.
emdot: sit down i love you
emdot: none of my beeswax? he's just pollen my leg.
emdot: no cupcakes, you ding dongs
emdot: 106.366 | brusha brusha brusha
emdot: branching out
emdot: file under Holy Fuck
emdot: becky, the smile, and the lemon
emdot: 34.366 | i'm okay; you're sew sew
emdot: lead singer
emdot: fanned out
emdot: i have but one egret
emdot: tine is on my side
emdot: what's the matter? chalk got your tongue?
emdot: berry different
emdot: [h]air
emdot: i've got two words for you...
emdot: proof that not all languages see eye to eye
emdot: chairs are social creatures
emdot: i asked him to pose. he tried to look dignified.
emdot: foggy trottin' breakdown
emdot: he crossed his fingers and waited