emdot: we are changing up the 2nd floor
emdot: window seats
emdot: purple monitors majesty
emdot: morro bay watch
emdot: i could have been an eagle
emdot: water otter
emdot: see: otter
emdot: where good gum goes to die
emdot: study buddies
emdot: a horse of course
emdot: tied up for a moment
emdot: looking through to the empty 2nd floor
emdot: temporary openness
emdot: scrum
emdot: last day for the old chairs
emdot: sliver
emdot: what sunsets look like when fires are nearby
emdot: the littlest birds
emdot: sit down i love you
emdot: cactus fairyland
emdot: none of my beeswax? he's just pollen my leg.
emdot: aw. squirrel love.
emdot: sky shows off
emdot: no cupcakes, you ding dongs
emdot: hello slo, i love you
emdot: cerro san luis from bishop peak
emdot: go west young man
emdot: wisteria