emdot: Check out the 24flickr set. As a set. No really. Trust me.
emdot: first-things-first
emdot: good morning garden
emdot: snapshotty / snapshoddy: today's breakfast at big sky
emdot: steve eats breakfast
emdot: balloonwoman
emdot: the queen's on the paper
emdot: community gardens
emdot: future taste blasters
emdot: choose to have a great day
emdot: succulent petals
emdot: flower & house
emdot: oh you mexican evening prim rose you
emdot: little pink ones
emdot: willy nilly white ones
emdot: the sunflower seeds begin to sprout forth
emdot: cosmo
emdot: zucchini (and the dreaded, unkillable oxalis)
emdot: eggplant
emdot: palm gone
emdot: we ran into carrie at trader joes
emdot: leo loves oranges
emdot: carrie and ryan duke it out in the boxing wii-ng