emdot: library
emdot: zig to the zag
emdot: no one ever guessed its secrets
emdot: light hearted
emdot: window seats
emdot: bells and contrails
emdot: shandon chapel getting ready for mass
emdot: corinna on the edge of the plaza
emdot: archways and roadways
emdot: olives and archways
emdot: what do you wanna do? i dunno. what do you wanna do? i dunno.
emdot: pigeons in blue angel formation
emdot: chapel on a hill: shandon, california
emdot: black pail on assorted whites
emdot: singled out
emdot: escher, screened
emdot: geometric viewing
emdot: high drama drapery
emdot: yankee doodle dandy
emdot: darla
emdot: double date
emdot: leaves in passing
emdot: shadow of my former self
emdot: down the up staircase
emdot: they wanted answers; wanted them now
emdot: fire door
emdot: slo from the creek
emdot: three is a magic number
emdot: more than this
emdot: veinte