emdot: goodbye 2009 i kinda loved you
emdot: me and the dog bear
emdot: my mom cracks up
emdot: new specs mcgraw
emdot: 23 - 42, DMV style
emdot: i could probably use a comb
emdot: coffee fairy? why, yes. yes there is
emdot: damn hell elevator
emdot: merry christmas roadtrip
emdot: me and the little munchkin
emdot: New desk set up requires new plants
emdot: it's a little shortish.
emdot: me and cami
emdot: the lovely rock rose
emdot: 101.366 | these foots were made for talkin
emdot: 50.366 | following through and making progress
emdot: me and sevens
emdot: 39.365 | pajama proxy
emdot: 20.366 | new water filter = yea!
emdot: 16.366 | waiting for the taking its own sweet time elevator
emdot: 15.366 | propogating flowers
emdot: 4.366 | it took me all day to wake up
emdot: emdot and sevens towards the last days of october
emdot: out and about
emdot: freckled sisters
emdot: the string-bean making reflection of an old chevy truck
emdot: oh yeah? well put your camera where your mouth is
emdot: tip #225: do not sneeze directly after applying mascara
emdot: my new necklace