emdjt42: A1 Service: PSJ825R Volvo Ailsa B55-10/Van Hool McArdle
emdjt42: AEC Reliance/Plaxton Panorama: 160 FFV447D
emdjt42: AEC Routemaster: RM835 WLT835 Clydeside Scottish
emdjt42: AEC Routemaster: RM910 EDS288A Kelvin Scottish
emdjt42: Alexander (Midland): MNV37 JMS452E Albion Viking VK43AL/Alexander
emdjt42: Alexander Bluebird: A104 DMS130 AEC Regal III/Alexander
emdjt42: Barrow Corporation: CEO720W Leyland National
emdjt42: Blackpool Transport: 133 H3FBT Optare Delta
emdjt42: Black Prince: 814 TRR814R Volvo Ailsa
emdjt42: Black Prince: TRR814R Volvo Ailsa
emdjt42: Central Scottish: BL346 HGM346E Bristol Lodekka FLF6G/ECW
emdjt42: Central SMT: AH23 LHS747V Ailsa B55-10Alexander
emdjt42: Central SMT: AH23 LHS747V Volvo B55-10 Ailsa/Alexander
emdjt42: Central SMT: B87 TVS367 Bristol LD6G/ECW
emdjt42: Central SMT: BL346 HGM346E Bristol Lodekka FLF6G/ECW
emdjt42: Central SMT: L484 GM6384 Leyland Titan PD2/10
emdjt42: Central SMT: L484 GM6384 Leyland Titan PD2/10 Leyland
emdjt42: Central SMT: T384 GSU866T Leyland Leopard/Alexander
emdjt42: City of Southampton: 337 337AOW Leyland PD2A/Park Royal
emdjt42: City of Southampton: 337 337AOW Leyland Titan PD2A/Park Royal
emdjt42: City Swift: 99-D-620 Volvo Olympian/Alexander (Belfast)
emdjt42: CMS Cumberland: 378 KHH378W Leyland National 2
emdjt42: Craig (West Coast Motors): VSB164M Bedford YRT/Plaxton Derwent
emdjt42: Eastern Scottis: ZVV187 E187HSF Volvo Citybus B10M-50 Alexander
emdjt42: Eastern Scottish: ZS928L JSF928T Seddon Pennine VII/Alexander
emdjt42: Fife Scottish: FPE194K RSC194Y Leyland Leopard/Alexander
emdjt42: Finches: Y312HUA DAF SB 3000/Van Hool T9
emdjt42: First Greater Glasgow: LA1448 CUS302X Leyland Atlantean/Alexander
emdjt42: First Group: 32615 SF54TKZ Volvo B7TL/Wright Eclipse Gemini
emdjt42: First Group: 37751 SF09LFB Volvo B9TL/Wright Eclipse Gemini