emdigitalphoto: Doña Concepción/White House Series
emdigitalphoto: Keith McHenry/White House Series
emdigitalphoto: Franco Mares/ Around the White House Series
emdigitalphoto: Tamil/Around the White House Series
emdigitalphoto: Franco Mares
emdigitalphoto: Tamil/ Around the White House Series
emdigitalphoto: Drug War/ Around the White House Series
emdigitalphoto: Nature Boy/Around the White House Series
emdigitalphoto: Nature Boy/Around the White House Series
emdigitalphoto: Antiwar Activist
emdigitalphoto: Tamil/Around the White HOuse Series
emdigitalphoto: Washington D.C. Police/Around the White House Series
emdigitalphoto: Immigration protest/Around the White House Series
emdigitalphoto: Anti-War Protest/ Around the White House Series
emdigitalphoto: Homer and Teacher/ Around the White House Series
emdigitalphoto: Uncle Sam (skull), Washington DC
emdigitalphoto: Peace Activist, Washington, DC
emdigitalphoto: Anti-war Activist, Washington, DC
emdigitalphoto: Veteran Activist, Washington, DC
emdigitalphoto: Washington DC Protest