e.m.crawford: Moyseis Marques, vocals
e.m.crawford: Dominique and friend
e.m.crawford: Fabricio "Macarrinha do Salgueiro" at The Ramp
e.m.crawford: Pedro e Carlinhos
e.m.crawford: Harvey Wainapel in the samba
e.m.crawford: View from The Ramp
e.m.crawford: Full force bateria
e.m.crawford: Jimmy rampant
e.m.crawford: There goes Anita on that surdo of hers!
e.m.crawford: Yerba Buena samba bateria show
e.m.crawford: Who hired the Hell's Angels?
e.m.crawford: Dennis surveying
e.m.crawford: Amid the dancers at Yerba Buena
e.m.crawford: Don't try this, kids, or your face will be stuck like that, too.
e.m.crawford: Yerba Buena samba bateria show 2
e.m.crawford: Marko on first surdo.
e.m.crawford: Before the show
e.m.crawford: Jorge Martins backstage
e.m.crawford: Badaro
e.m.crawford: Spiro can holla
e.m.crawford: Annette with shekere
e.m.crawford: A turma
e.m.crawford: Me in another life, where I'm big on Batman.
e.m.crawford: Maracatu performance
e.m.crawford: Ready to maracatú
e.m.crawford: Forró tear-up
e.m.crawford: The crowd, stage left.
e.m.crawford: Wagner's samba reggae (unknown in Bayreuth)
e.m.crawford: Conceição e as baianas falsas
e.m.crawford: Danda from Ilê Aiyê performs in SF