embracelife: Directing the fire truck into the driveway
embracelife: Heroes ready for action
embracelife: Flames right behind two homes
embracelife: A hand crew scrambles down the hillside ready to help
embracelife: A hand crew moves in to cut brush and start backfires
embracelife: Ventura County Fire Fighter Cory O'brien
embracelife: Ventura County Fire Fighter Michael Kennedy
embracelife: Fire fighters discuss where to start the next backfire
embracelife: Lighthing backfires to control the fire
embracelife: Starting a backfire with a flare
embracelife: A tower of flame
embracelife: Flames on the hillside
embracelife: Sheriffs on the scene use masks to filter the smokey air
embracelife: A Sherrif's helicopter drops water on the fire
embracelife: Directing the hand crews from atop a small ridge
embracelife: This fire fighter's expression says it all
embracelife: With the fire under control, the hand crews move on
embracelife: Fire fighters with a truck and water stand by
embracelife: VCFD Fire fighter making his way up the hillside
embracelife: After a job well done hand crews make there way back up the hillside
embracelife: Admiring a job welldone by the hand crews
embracelife: Two fire fighters discuss their next move