emblita: Einar surrounded by fur
emblita: Vikings
emblita: Héla
emblita: The roasting lamb smells good
emblita: Photo by Klaus
emblita: Gráir fyrir járnum
emblita: Quick, lets take up tried weapons!
emblita: courage the greater,
emblita: heart the more fierce,
emblita: Mind must be the firmer,
emblita: A fated warrior fell lifeless at his feet
emblita: Battle
emblita: The heroes fight
emblita: 'Then the din of battle broke out...'
emblita: The slain
emblita: Listen up you buggers!
emblita: Askur á feldi
emblita: Viking merchant
emblita: Reynhildur sells furs
emblita: Viking craftsman
emblita: Sows leather
emblita: Askur in a basket
emblita: The viking basket swing
emblita: Viking girl
emblita: Roasting lamb
emblita: The viking village
emblita: Askur shows off