emblita: The measure of a boy
emblita: I love my ducky
emblita: lee from the wind
emblita: Stunned by the sun
emblita: Nice day for a walk
emblita: Grrrrr
emblita: Splashed
emblita: Outgrowing the pool
emblita: Askur 8 months
emblita: I am Askur hear me ROAR!
emblita: Standing in bed
emblita: Begging for babyfood
emblita: You think I'm cute?
emblita: Almost crawling
emblita: Ball bath
emblita: Look at the camera!
emblita: Askur
emblita: kassabílarallý
emblita: Tasting the pot
emblita: Squinting in the sun
emblita: Look Askur!
emblita: Ulli and Askur
emblita: Auntie Ulli is cool
emblita: Lil'Blue eyes
emblita: Askur looking cute
emblita: Sam and Askur
emblita: Taking in the mist
emblita: At Gullfoss
emblita: The boys
emblita: Touching the earth