emblita: Mom and Gullý bought bags... I was tired
emblita: Croatian countryside
emblita: Me with punk fish
emblita: Mom and dad
emblita: Us at a very nice resturant
emblita: Main shopping street in Porec
emblita: Porec
emblita: Mom, me and Gullý in down town Porec
emblita: Kissing the bump
emblita: Gondola! Canal.... Venice!
emblita: The Rialto bridge, Grand canal ...
emblita: Awwww
emblita: Klaus and I (hot, sweaty, tired ...still smiling) on the Rialto bridge
emblita: Awwwww
emblita: Mom and dad writing a text message on the Rialto bridge
emblita: The famous Rialto bridge over the Grand canal
emblita: Venice! Canal!
emblita: A master of glass making
emblita: Me, Klaus and Dad pose on St. Marks square
emblita: Gondolas and canal in Venice
emblita: Me, Klaus, Gullý and mom down by the sea
emblita: Cute medieval house
emblita: The church on the Agora
emblita: Small winding alley in Rovinji
emblita: Me and Gullý in Rovinji
emblita: Laundry in Rovinji
emblita: Rovinji, built in the 13th century
emblita: The roman arena in Pula
emblita: I stick my toes in the Limski fjord (the water was warm)