embiggenedsoul: Maxie polar bear
embiggenedsoul: Maxie & candy cane
embiggenedsoul: Lookit that tail wagging!
embiggenedsoul: Thanks for my new friend, Mom
embiggenedsoul: Maxi Baghead 2
embiggenedsoul: Maxi Baghead 1
embiggenedsoul: blurry but cute
embiggenedsoul: You can't seeeeee me...
embiggenedsoul: Someone steals a GREAT TOY!!!
embiggenedsoul: curled in the closet
embiggenedsoul: Maxi Satisfaction
embiggenedsoul: Don't wanna miss anything
embiggenedsoul: Maxi with paper 2
embiggenedsoul: Maxi with paper
embiggenedsoul: Where are my snacks?
embiggenedsoul: liver snacks await
embiggenedsoul: True sign
embiggenedsoul: Santa was good to Maxi
embiggenedsoul: campaign exhaustion
embiggenedsoul: handsome