Debora Alanna: Tale of the tail
Debora Alanna: Transending the human or the Inconvenient truth
Debora Alanna: "Beyond" #deboraalanna #drawing #mtl #abstraction #abstract #landscape #urban #street #window #beyond #study #forsale
Debora Alanna: "Behind the curtain" #deboraalanna #pen #carandache #paper #watersolublewaxpastels #city #abstraction #abstract #yul #urban #cityscape #abstraction #canadianart #mtl #forsale #figuative #landscape #curtain #view #hidden #night
Debora Alanna: "Burst" #deboraalanna #pen #carandache #paper #watersolublewaxpastels #morning #abstraction #abstract #contemporaryart #Canadian #figuative #urban #personification #awakening #awake #forsale #burst #night #sunshine #sunlight #yul #montreal
Debora Alanna: "Tridevi on the balcony" #deboraalanna #pen #carandache #paper #drawing #personification #myth#mythic #saraswati #lakshmi #pavarti #birds#evocation #silentcommunication #yul #urban #montreal #balcony
Debora Alanna: "Paying attention to the Third Eye" #deboraalanna #pen #carandache #paper #watersolublewaxpastels #drawing #abstract #abstraction #figuative #contemporaryart #Canadian #canadianart #montreal #landscape #mystic #thirdeye #payingattention #yul #forsale #ch
Debora Alanna: "Kalpa tree soaks up sunshine" #deboraalanna #pen #paper #drawing #sun #tree #knowledge #abstraction #mythic #kalpavriksha #wish #wishfulfilment #sunshine #canadianart #contemporaryart #forsale #poetics #montreal #yul
Debora Alanna: "Last bird" #deboraalanna #pen #carandache #paper #drawing #canadianart #contemporaryart #future #foreboding #nature #bird #urban #montreal #forsale #abstract #abstraction #landscape #yul
Debora Alanna: "Spotlight on the Shadow" #deboraalanna #pen #carandache #paper #watersolublewaxpastels #drawing #abstract #abstraction #figuative #shadow #poetics #spotlight #darkness #otherness #emptiness #selfportait #mystic #montreal #ending #yul #newmoon #canadian
Debora Alanna: "Drinking impure water" #deboraalanna #water #contaminatedwater #pollutedwater #impure #impurewater #pen #carandache #paper #watersolublewaxpastels #figuative #abstraction #abstract #yul #contemporaryart
Debora Alanna: "Thusness. Suchness. It's all too muchness." #deboraalanna #pen #carandache #paper #watersolublewaxpastels #drawing #abstract #abstraction #figuative #hearing #overload #Tathata #thusness #suchness #being #mtl #forsale #painful #existence #alanwatts #ph
Debora Alanna: "Wrath gone afoul" or "Cockadooledoo" #deboraalanna #mixedmedia #paper #drawing #painting #pen #watersolublewaxpastels #carandache #watercolor #goldpen #wrath #anger #afoul #wrong #personification #idiom #metaphor #fauna #rooster #cockadoodledoo #cockrel
Debora Alanna: "Artist as a plant" #deboraalanna #mixedmedia #paper #drawing #painting #personification #metaphor #selfportait #figuative #playful #forsale #housebound #silly #canadianart #contemporaryart #frustrated #test #testy #missingstudio #winter