Debora Alanna:
Dream awake
Debora Alanna:
Memory of reaching
Debora Alanna:
Dissecting a thought to find the point
Debora Alanna:
Let us not be too literal
Debora Alanna:
Bird in the hand - hand in a bush - two of a feather - feather leaves one breathless
Debora Alanna:
Seeing through the dream
Debora Alanna:
A day's emotional tapestry
Debora Alanna:
Flight of fancy or sometimes the dream is a book
Debora Alanna:
Four stages of man sexistence
Debora Alanna:
Equanimity - March 31 2014 - oil on canvas 24 x 24 inches
Debora Alanna:
"Holding the ideal" 2013 #deboraalanna #painting #paper #mixedmedia #watercolor #watersolublewaxpastels #carandache #acrylic #abstract #abstraction #figuative #ideal #idiom #analogy #metaphor #ephemeral #allusive #canadianart #contemporaryart