Embee 2110: Atwood, Indiana.
Embee 2110: ...and in other news today, Hell Officially Freezes Over...
Embee 2110: Bringing it..
Embee 2110: More Blasting.
Embee 2110: ESPEE PARK!
Embee 2110: CP Gibson.
Embee 2110: CHFW from above.
Embee 2110: The main event!!
Embee 2110: I&O Coolness..
Embee 2110: Do we notice a pattern here?!?
Embee 2110: Finally recrewed...
Embee 2110: Classic Pennsy.
Embee 2110: Plymouth.
Embee 2110: Train and Station...
Embee 2110: Ghost in the Graveyard..
Embee 2110: "Put a fork in it..."
Embee 2110: Fall Color!
Embee 2110: Goin' Pennsy to Michi Central.
Embee 2110: Curved.
Embee 2110: WIDE..
Embee 2110: Yarding..
Embee 2110: Tasty Heeps and Geeps..
Embee 2110: ALL hail the underdog!
Embee 2110: A Pair of Smoky Scarves!
Embee 2110: Yarding.
Embee 2110: Code red and blue.
Embee 2110: The new absolute alley.
Embee 2110: RailTexy!
Embee 2110: Today's CF&E.
Embee 2110: Passing CP Cal. Park.