emily_*: 12.04. Raked over bed for leafy things
emily_*: 12.04. Dug over 2 quarters of brassica plot
emily_*: 12.04. Salvaged wood from next door's seedbed
emily_*: 12.04. Sowed Charlotte potatoes, 2 rows, and covered with straw
emily_*: 15.04. Raked over and sowed Pak Choi
emily_*: 15.04. Dug over 3rd quarter of brassica bed
emily_*: 15.04. Sowed Mizuna and Chard, transplanted 6 rocket seedlings
emily_*: 15.04. Sowed some more Butterhead lettuce at end of tunnel
emily_*: 15.04. Harvested lots of beautiful sprouting broccoli
emily_*: 21.04. Another big sprouting broccoli harvest
emily_*: 22.04. Colourful sprouting broccoli
emily_*: Yellow field
emily_*: 30.04. planted 4 broad beans after pulling out a row of sprouting broccoli
emily_*: 30.04. planted 2 weak french beans
emily_*: 30.04. Planted 6 raspberry cuttings from Nigel
emily_*: 30.04. Transplanted 12+ more rocket seedlings
emily_*: 30.04. Raked over failed beetroot and sowed 3 new rows
emily_*: 30.04. Sowed 3 rows of carrots after 1st failed attempt
emily_*: 30.04. Sowed in newly prepared half of seed bed: Summer and Winter cabbage + Curly Kale
emily_*: 30.04. Kabillions of weed sprouts but no sign of Pak Choi
emily_*: 30.04. Raked over empty brassica bed
emily_*: 30.04. Further digging and clearance of 3rd brassica quarter
emily_*: 06.05 First visit after week of rain. Salad harvest!
emily_*: 06.05. Salad leaves thinnings and harvest
emily_*: 06.05. Angel fellow allotmenter Ed mowed my overgrown plot!
emily_*: 06.05. more mown allotment: heaven!
emily_*: 06.05. Mown allotment with manure piles
emily_*: 06.05. so neat and tidy :)
emily_*: 07.05. Dug bean trench, laid in straw and manure. Set up bean poles and strung string in between. Raining.
emily_*: 07.05. Raked over failed Pak Choi and sowed a new row.