emily_*: getting into rowing
emily_*: funny rowboat
emily_*: north
emily_*: em
emily_*: ben and jen
emily_*: lights over the harbour
emily_*: two can row?
emily_*: two can sit and pose...
emily_*: massive head attacks quayside resort!!
emily_*: sun bleached chillers
emily_*: swans get their heads down
emily_*: birdies bathe on the roof
emily_*: two row back again
emily_*: and two in the back
emily_*: sunkissedem!
emily_*: look up to da blue sky
emily_*: long view of harbour
emily_*: seagulls hover for fish going up river
emily_*: mudeford sandbank from the headland
emily_*: headland seaview
emily_*: head ups to the headland
emily_*: we're all in da sunshine
emily_*: bbq in a pink sky
emily_*: preparing for the group shot..
emily_*: settling down...
emily_*: still in the salmon sunset
emily_*: nightime lounging
emily_*: jen and the mudeford hut strip
emily_*: seagull corner
emily_*: north's farewell