EmArt baudry:
Je rêve - I am dreaming
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Sombre tourelle - Dark Tower
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Composition florale
EmArt baudry:
Dentelle d'Inde - India Lace
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Pink me - Rose-moi
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Portes ouvertes - Opened Doors
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Râ, Lumière d'Etoile - Râ, Light of Star
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Voile d'Aigues-Mortes, Gard.
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Borderline - A la frontière
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EmArt baudry:
Illusion II
EmArt baudry:
Vers la lumière - Towards the light
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Pas de rayon vert - No green ray
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Water Light
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Le repos du guerrier II - Rest of Warrior II
EmArt baudry:
Fumer tue - Smoking kills
EmArt baudry:
Course contre nature - Nature vs high tech
EmArt baudry:
La porte aux mille mystères - The door to the thousand of mysteries
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Coeur caché - Hidden Heart
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Fée des prés - Meadow Fairy
EmArt baudry:
Coeur Noir - Black Heart
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D'un autre millénaire - From another millennium
EmArt baudry:
Frisette nature - Nature's little ringlet
EmArt baudry:
EmArt baudry:
Nature courbe
EmArt baudry:
Red Impression
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EmArt baudry:
En rang fixe !
EmArt baudry:
Auprès de ma blonde