emahelena: light meter leningrad
emahelena: tap tap tapochki
emahelena: beep
emahelena: a little patch
emahelena: home sweet home
emahelena: home sweet home
emahelena: kruzevo
emahelena: ding
emahelena: снежные черепашки, little turtles in the snow
emahelena: снежные черепашки, little turtles in the snow
emahelena: galushki palushki
emahelena: newly table-less kitchen
emahelena: spinach gnocchi w/mushroom sauce
emahelena: Lesha works longer hours than i do..
emahelena: they're not terry's, they're Mine
emahelena: слуга
emahelena: E <3 A
emahelena: вова. vova.
emahelena: double jam sponge
emahelena: the happy milkman; teatime
emahelena: some warmth
emahelena: fire
emahelena: porcelained.
emahelena: scratch sky
emahelena: come
emahelena: nightday
emahelena: viking
emahelena: exercise
emahelena: lovely new jeans, wet hair
emahelena: attack