e-magic: plugged apples
e-magic: apple
e-magic: Dad
e-magic: end a war
e-magic: on the lightrail
e-magic: end war in uganda
e-magic: banner making
e-magic: coloring the GNC banner
e-magic: making the banner
e-magic: writing a letter to the president
e-magic: GNCers
e-magic: wired flowers
e-magic: the multi-tasker
e-magic: "I'm tired of stupid people"
e-magic: oxygen
e-magic: catching a USB cable
e-magic: tide pools
e-magic: nicki
e-magic: michelle laughs
e-magic: mai and mike at dinner
e-magic: mai and her other gift
e-magic: berns and mi
e-magic: berns 2
e-magic: an old couple
e-magic: GNC singers
e-magic: test roll - - mom has a knife
e-magic: test roll - - for your safety
e-magic: ribbon on barbed wire
e-magic: Mi makes a face
e-magic: menu