e-magic: portrait of a dictator
e-magic: the head tickler
e-magic: Mi and her hair
e-magic: twins' birthday at the beach may 5th050506_23
e-magic: in line for free ice-cream042606_1
e-magic: scout042206_1
e-magic: Tired Uncle Thomas042206
e-magic: Father ponders042206
e-magic: paper eater042206
e-magic: Mi heart
e-magic: mi laughs040906_1
e-magic: daryl smokes040906_2
e-magic: bluebird face
e-magic: I caught a stereo cable
e-magic: billy sleeps032606
e-magic: by the water032606
e-magic: billy and billy's new friend032606
e-magic: heart break
e-magic: steph sleeps 2
e-magic: the look
e-magic: jeff gets a make-over032506_1
e-magic: lost balloon032506
e-magic: Starla032506
e-magic: anti-war speech from the man wearing brown032206
e-magic: impeach bush, stop the empire032206
e-magic: casual protestor032206
e-magic: The Bear
e-magic: fly away, fly away
e-magic: flower garden abstract
e-magic: two trees on a hill