e-magic: macro yellow rose
e-magic: green
e-magic: fern bud
e-magic: cactus needle
e-magic: ant
e-magic: headphones
e-magic: cd laser
e-magic: arrow nocks
e-magic: buddha face
e-magic: bubble wrap
e-magic: good question
e-magic: chocolate
e-magic: frustration
e-magic: plug
e-magic: emerging fern leaf
e-magic: red
e-magic: "moth" face
e-magic: dead rose
e-magic: where the gas comes from
e-magic: hydrogen gas
e-magic: down the drain
e-magic: mesh
e-magic: in the net
e-magic: Rx
e-magic: spokes
e-magic: a mother's eye
e-magic: Wicker
e-magic: broken headphones
e-magic: wet rose
e-magic: cat eye