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Vrije natuur / In the wild by Elze Kool
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Elze Kool
Ree / Roe deer
Elze Kool
Blauwborst / Bluetroat
Elze Kool
Blauwborst / Bluethroat
Elze Kool
Bruine Kiekendief / Marsh Harrier
Elze Kool
Kleine Plevier / Little Ringed Plover
Elze Kool
Drieteenstrandloper / Sanderling
Elze Kool
Sneeuwgors / Snow bunting
Elze Kool
Grutto / Black Tailed Godwit
Elze Kool
Grote Zaagbek / Goosander
Elze Kool
Short-eared Owl / Velduil
Elze Kool
Sanderling / Drieteenstrandloper
Elze Kool
Sanderling / Drieteenstrandloper
Elze Kool
Short-eared Ow / Velduil
Elze Kool
Dalmation Pelican / Kroeskop Pelikaan
Elze Kool
Dalmation Pelican / Kroeskop Pelikaan
Elze Kool
Spotted Nutcracker / Notenkraker
Elze Kool
Spotted Nutcracker / Notenkraker
Elze Kool
Fire salamander / Vuursalamander
Elze Kool
Red Fox / Vos
Elze Kool
Red Fox / Vos
Elze Kool
Red Fox / Vos
Elze Kool
White-throated Dipper / Waterspreeuw
Elze Kool
White-throated Dipper / Waterspreeuw
Elze Kool
Dalmation Pelican / Kroeskop Pelikaan
Elze Kool
White Pelican / Roze Pelikaan
Elze Kool
Dalmatian Pelican / Kroeskop Pelikaan
Elze Kool
Dalmatian Pelican / Kroeskop Pelikaan
Elze Kool
Spotten Nutcracker / Notenkraker
Elze Kool
Spotted Nutcracker / Notenkraker
Elze Kool
Spotted Nutcracker / Notenkraker
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