elycefeliz: Metropole Staircase
elycefeliz: Do Ho Suh
elycefeliz: 21c Museum Hotel, Cincinnati
elycefeliz: One Hand Clapping
elycefeliz: Facade of 21c Museum Hotel, Cincinnati
elycefeliz: Sugar 'n Spice Restaurant
elycefeliz: "Wee Feed the World" at Sugar n' Spice Restaurant
elycefeliz: "Wee Feed the World" at Sugar n' Spice Restaurant
elycefeliz: "Wee Feed the World" at Sugar n' Spice Restaurant
elycefeliz: Wall of Pancakes Mural
elycefeliz: Behringer Crawford Museum
elycefeliz: Strangers on a Train
elycefeliz: "Radar Men from the Moon"
elycefeliz: Vomit Bag Marketing for "Mark of the Devil"
elycefeliz: RCA Victor COLOR Television
elycefeliz: War-Time Guidebook for the Home: Make it Yourself - Fix it Yourself
elycefeliz: V-Mail
elycefeliz: Shrunken Head
elycefeliz: Portrait of John Finnell at Behringer Crawford Museum
elycefeliz: Mourning Lithograph
elycefeliz: Civil War Ghosts
elycefeliz: "People" Stained Glass Window at Behringer Crawford Museum
elycefeliz: Bust at Mercantile Library
elycefeliz: Bust of Judge John McClean, Mercantile Library
elycefeliz: Marble Busts at Mercantile Library
elycefeliz: Busts at Mercantile Library
elycefeliz: Bust of Salmon Chase in Mercantile Library
elycefeliz: Portrait of Buck Niehoff at the Mercantile Library
elycefeliz: Smoking in the Library!?
elycefeliz: Bust of Salmon P. Chase at Mercantile Library