elycefeliz: Morning of January 1st
elycefeliz: Windy & Snowy
elycefeliz: 8 Birds & 1 Squirrel on a Fence
elycefeliz: It's No Game
elycefeliz: Robin in the Park
elycefeliz: Stopping isnt the same as Quitting
elycefeliz: Waiting for Customers
elycefeliz: Barber Shop Chairs
elycefeliz: The Face of a Garage
elycefeliz: A Step in the Snow
elycefeliz: Tracks in the Snow
elycefeliz: Accidental Snow/Squirrel Angel
elycefeliz: Icicles
elycefeliz: Crows in Snow
elycefeliz: Snowy Steps
elycefeliz: Everything is Beautiful
elycefeliz: The frolic architecture of the snow
elycefeliz: Snow Cafe
elycefeliz: Snow Steps
elycefeliz: Squirrel Prints on the Roof
elycefeliz: After the Snowstorm
elycefeliz: Rust Never Sleeps
elycefeliz: Urban Wildlife
elycefeliz: No Judgment ; }
elycefeliz: Blackbirds and Hawk in Tree
elycefeliz: Stalking the Hawk
elycefeliz: "A history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness"
elycefeliz: Winter Branch
elycefeliz: Water Tower, Eden Park
elycefeliz: Inconvenienced, but not Incarcerated