elycefeliz: Museum of Printing for the Blind
elycefeliz: The library can be overwhelming
elycefeliz: Main Library in Downtown Cincinnati
elycefeliz: Photo #30: Is that a Bearcat in the Library?
elycefeliz: Library card
elycefeliz: Books by Frances Moore Lappe
elycefeliz: Three Cups of Tea, by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin
elycefeliz: Let Your Body Interpret Your Dreams, by Eugene Gendlin
elycefeliz: At the Heart of the White Rose: Letters and Diaries of Hans and Sophie Scholl
elycefeliz: What I'm Currently Reading
elycefeliz: The Fellowship of Ghosts, Paul Watkins
elycefeliz: The Dispossessed, by Ursula LeGuin
elycefeliz: Hope's Edge, by Frances Moore Lappe and Anna Lappe
elycefeliz: What I'm currently reading
elycefeliz: How to be a Perfect Stranger: The Essential Religious Etiquette Handbook
elycefeliz: What I'm currently re-reading
elycefeliz: What I'm currently re-reading
elycefeliz: What I'm currently re-reading
elycefeliz: We recommend Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy
elycefeliz: A Little Book of Forgiveness, D. Patrick Miller
elycefeliz: The Dance of Life, by Edward T. Hall
elycefeliz: Disposable People, New Slavery in the Global Economy - by Kevin Bales
elycefeliz: Eat Pray Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert
elycefeliz: My Family and Other Animals, by Gerald Durrell
elycefeliz: The Emperor's New Clothes, by Hans Christian Andersen
elycefeliz: Inside Anne Frank's House - An Illustrated Journey Through Anne's World
elycefeliz: The Secret Scripture, by Sebastian Barry
elycefeliz: The Hidden Life of Otto Frank, by Carol Ann Lee
elycefeliz: Anne Frank in the World
elycefeliz: "Cahiers" - Albert Camus