elucidare: dad talking smack about someone in the magazine. :)
elucidare: family time.
elucidare: further taunting in target. battle of pool noodles. :)
elucidare: taunted in target.
elucidare: birthday dining
elucidare: 20 takes later...
elucidare: birthday nightcap at the royale.
elucidare: mmm. noodles.
elucidare: nsh awards banquet
elucidare: in the booth
elucidare: nsh awards banquet
elucidare: nsh awards banquet
elucidare: i'm in a tree!
elucidare: up and up
elucidare: getting a boost from the boyfriend
elucidare: look at all the apples!
elucidare: awww
elucidare: lss booth
elucidare: getting ready for the banquet.
elucidare: luther's 101st
elucidare: angela, rita, & luther
elucidare: me & mom at the boathouse - summer 2010