elucidare: deck clean up.
elucidare: deck clean up.
elucidare: deck clean up.
elucidare: new shelves for the pantry.
elucidare: compost bin.
elucidare: compost bin.
elucidare: compost bin.
elucidare: compost bin.
elucidare: compost bin.
elucidare: compost bin.
elucidare: cutting the door.
elucidare: for sale.
elucidare: finished compost bin.
elucidare: compost bin door.
elucidare: carpenter bee in hover mode.
elucidare: doves on the deck.
elucidare: doves on the deck.
elucidare: doves on the deck.
elucidare: keeping warm by the chiminera.
elucidare: all the junk that was crammed in the old pantry
elucidare: rail mounts for modular shelves
elucidare: rail mounts
elucidare: redesigned pantry shelves
elucidare: finshed pantry
elucidare: finshed pantry
elucidare: what all the drywall is for
elucidare: old stove
elucidare: shiny!
elucidare: basement walls in progress
elucidare: basement walls in progress