elsu: Norris & Cola
elsu: Cola
elsu: Cola kissing Axel
elsu: Cola & Norris
elsu: Cola & Norris
elsu: Cola
elsu: Cola
elsu: Cola
elsu: Morning walk
elsu: Yes, we would like some treats
elsu: Love the highlights in his coat!
elsu: Something happening?
elsu: My name is Cola
elsu: Someone loves to smell the roses
elsu: Cola wonders what her new family really is like
elsu: Summer fun
elsu: I sniff you!
elsu: I'll tell you the rules!
elsu: Let's play!
elsu: Who wins this race?
elsu: Norris found his inner beast
elsu: Wasn't us...
elsu: Cola: Plääh!
elsu: Cola
elsu: The wheaten couple
elsu: Ladies first
elsu: Watch dogs, watching each other
elsu: Let's dance
elsu: Cola eating
elsu: Goodies?