Elsie esq.: Governed
Elsie esq.: Waddon at speed
Elsie esq.: Worthing Station
Elsie esq.: Meccano steam crane
Elsie esq.: Steam engine
Elsie esq.: KBE crosshead
Elsie esq.: Helical gear
Elsie esq.: Helical pinion
Elsie esq.: 90 Columns
Elsie esq.: An engine with a cylinder nearly 8 feet in diameter
Elsie esq.: 90 arch and pump rod
Elsie esq.: 90 cyl detail
Elsie esq.: 90" engine valves
Elsie esq.: Elegent links from the past!
Elsie esq.: Dancers end crank 2
Elsie esq.: Steam extreme
Elsie esq.: Victorian artistry in iron
Elsie esq.: Boiler tubes 2 Hove eng
Elsie esq.: Steam pipes worthy of a mighty engine
Elsie esq.: Duchess of Steam
Elsie esq.: I wonder if they did.
Elsie esq.: Sentinel
Elsie esq.: Brighton Commercial Vehicle run.
Elsie esq.: Southdown!
Elsie esq.: Sentinal Chain drive
Elsie esq.: Stearing
Elsie esq.: They dont make em like they used to. . .
Elsie esq.: No brakes!
Elsie esq.: Brighton Commercial Vehicle run.
Elsie esq.: Brighton Commercial Vehicle run.