Sat Garcia: Lifted Roots
Sat Garcia: Back Down I Go
Sat Garcia: You Go Ahead
Sat Garcia: More Creek
Sat Garcia: Watch out for that... golf ball?
Sat Garcia: Creek Crossing
Sat Garcia: Standing His Ground
Sat Garcia: Oh, wait. That is a cache!
Sat Garcia: Nom Nom Nom
Sat Garcia: Close Up of Mystery Bush
Sat Garcia: Cattail Going To Seed?
Sat Garcia: Rocky Creek Bed
Sat Garcia: A Real Sandtrap
Sat Garcia: Ack! Quicksand!
Sat Garcia: A Running Creek Gathers No Moss
Sat Garcia: Suddenly, I'm Hungry
Sat Garcia: Attack of the Killer Aloe
Sat Garcia: Big Aloe
Sat Garcia: On Our Way
Sat Garcia: Colleen Takes the Low Road
Sat Garcia: River Crossing
Sat Garcia: Don't Touch
Sat Garcia: Cache Tree
Sat Garcia: The Path Least Taken
Sat Garcia: Mostly Dry Stream
Sat Garcia: On Her Way
Sat Garcia: Self-guided Nature Trail
Sat Garcia: Fallen Tree