elpeterso69: St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church
elpeterso69: Bethesda Iowa Country Church
elpeterso69: Bethesda Lutheran Church
elpeterso69: Christmas Day Drive
elpeterso69: Wheeler Grove Church In Winter
elpeterso69: Oaks Community Church
elpeterso69: St. Joseph Catholic Church
elpeterso69: Mamrelund Lutheran Church
elpeterso69: Stratton United Medthodist Church
elpeterso69: The Saints Center for Culture and The Arts
elpeterso69: Winter Church
elpeterso69: A Killarney Church
elpeterso69: St. John Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
elpeterso69: St. John Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 2
elpeterso69: St. John Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 3