eloquentlight: Spring Point Ledge Light, Casco Bay, and Fort Gorges
eloquentlight: Spring Point Ledge Light and Fort Gorges
eloquentlight: Casco Bay and Fort Gorges
eloquentlight: Self-Portrait, Lobster, Casco Bay
eloquentlight: Portland Head Light
eloquentlight: The Porthole, 2
eloquentlight: The Porthole
eloquentlight: Jen and Em, Post-Lunch
eloquentlight: Liberty Ship Model, South Portland
eloquentlight: Portland Breakwater Light
eloquentlight: Marshall Point Lighthouse
eloquentlight: Marshall Point Lighthouse Outbuilding
eloquentlight: Jen at the Marshall Point Lighthouse
eloquentlight: Life Ring, Port Clyde
eloquentlight: Flag, Port Clyde
eloquentlight: Lobstering
eloquentlight: Monhegan Library
eloquentlight: Lobsters-->
eloquentlight: Shermie's Lobster Pot Buoys, Fish Beach
eloquentlight: Dusk, Monhegan
eloquentlight: Dusk with Fog
eloquentlight: Cross, Lobster Cove
eloquentlight: Wreck of the DT Sheridan, Lobster Cove, 2
eloquentlight: Wreck of the DT Sheridan, Lobster Cove
eloquentlight: Lobster Cove Rocks
eloquentlight: The Island Inn and My Shadow
eloquentlight: Building, Monhegan
eloquentlight: Sunset Over Manana
eloquentlight: Offloading Propane from the Laura B