Design and illustration:
Femme mexico
Design and illustration:
Femme Japo
Design and illustration:
La princesse des crabes
Design and illustration:
Reine de tribu
Design and illustration:
elno calavera
Design and illustration:
Fuego Cruzado
Design and illustration:
Crâne de fille
Design and illustration:
Live Growing
Design and illustration:
Design and illustration:
My blue cat
Design and illustration:
Design and illustration:
Design and illustration:
Despidiendo a Cecile
Design and illustration:
my monsters
Design and illustration:
like the ground
Design and illustration:
bleeding ink
Design and illustration:
black heart
Design and illustration:
Design and illustration:
Design and illustration:
Cartel Exposición "Vicios y Desperdicios"
Design and illustration:
"el beso de la muerte"
Design and illustration:
"cuando las calaveras fuman..."
Design and illustration:
"cuando las calaveras fuman..."
Design and illustration:
"cuando las calaveras fuman..."
Design and illustration:
"calla y come"
Design and illustration:
"cuando las calaveras fuman..."
Design and illustration:
Design and illustration:
Design and illustration: