elmur.net: Inivted to GastKunstRaum - Art on the shop windows
elmur.net: Manel discovered the algorithm of a Trapezoid
elmur.net: gemma securing the structure
elmur.net: home made engineering
elmur.net: building the puzzle
elmur.net: wow, great!
elmur.net: Preparing Blumenfest Weissensse
elmur.net: zzz team
elmur.net: Low_tech video installation
elmur.net: Discover Weissensee
elmur.net: Elektrokunst, reflected inner visions
elmur.net: Elektrokunst - GastKunst Raum
elmur.net: with friends
elmur.net: Thank You! Dreetz & Firchau
elmur.net: the neighbours
elmur.net: a magic mirror
elmur.net: Berliner Alle 86
elmur.net: Enjoying the work
elmur.net: I see you
elmur.net: Antonymy on show
elmur.net: visual positive thinking on the street