elmine: Living room, front to back.
elmine: Seating area
elmine: Cat TV Channel 2
elmine: Cat TV Channel 3 (1)
elmine: Cat TV Channel 3 (2)
elmine: Cat TV Channel 3 (3)
elmine: Office
elmine: Office
elmine: Office
elmine: Stairs from second to third floor.
elmine: Kitchen window
elmine: Kitchen
elmine: Living room, back to front.
elmine: Three channels of Cat TV
elmine: Seating area
elmine: DSCF1051
elmine: The chairs
elmine: From the entrance
elmine: Biiiig table
elmine: Biiiig table
elmine: Table view
elmine: Seating area
elmine: Biiiig couch
elmine: The chairs
elmine: Seating area
elmine: Biiig couch
elmine: Biiiig couch