Elly_Leaverton: Our remaining roads, settlements and cities.
Elly_Leaverton: The Ships
Elly_Leaverton: Our game from last night!
Elly_Leaverton: Final version…travel edition Settlers of Catan
Elly_Leaverton: Very flat - See Desc
Elly_Leaverton: Resources and holders (See Desc)
Elly_Leaverton: Development tokens Key in Desc
Elly_Leaverton: Travel LEGO Catan (1 of 4 pics)
Elly_Leaverton: IKEA box lid for holding the game
Elly_Leaverton: Getting my Catan expansion Seafarers ready for Brickcon!
Elly_Leaverton: First game at Brickcon.
Elly_Leaverton: Pretty excited to win!
Elly_Leaverton: Lily wins!
Elly_Leaverton: A scenario that uses the whole grid I built
Elly_Leaverton: Blue wins again
Elly_Leaverton: More tweaks to my lid mosaic
Elly_Leaverton: IKEA box lid mosaic for my Catan game
Elly_Leaverton: Blue and orange are ready to take to the seas!
Elly_Leaverton: Scenario One for three players
Elly_Leaverton: This scenario doesn't use the full grid I built.
Elly_Leaverton: Lily is ready to take to the seas!
Elly_Leaverton: Purple is winning!
Elly_Leaverton: Pink is going for Longest Road
Elly_Leaverton: Slapped together card organizer
Elly_Leaverton: We use the Dots box to roll the dice