JessicaLee-Photography: i'm like a bird
JessicaLee-Photography: sleevie wonder
JessicaLee-Photography: My Weiner can drive too.
JessicaLee-Photography: Chicken of the Everglades!
JessicaLee-Photography: friendly faces
JessicaLee-Photography: my dog is a cat
JessicaLee-Photography: bird on a powerline, obv.
JessicaLee-Photography: i'm like a bird
JessicaLee-Photography: the crows are coming for us
JessicaLee-Photography: grasshopper
JessicaLee-Photography: Boo! The cat.
JessicaLee-Photography: Azn Cat says HERRO!
JessicaLee-Photography: Great Blue Heron
JessicaLee-Photography: later gator!
JessicaLee-Photography: Darren the Great Blue Heron
JessicaLee-Photography: lil baby squirrel