Jessica Ellis: we stopped by our room before dinner at the Lodge, and it was all decorated!
Jessica Ellis: champagne with parsley , my favorite food.
Jessica Ellis: photos of places we've explored together.
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Jessica Ellis: photos of animals that have been special to both of us.
Jessica Ellis: special moments we've had.
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Jessica Ellis: we were lucky to share with people on the surgical mission trip.
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Jessica Ellis: Dave designing ring with Wisconsin craftsman, Humphrey.
Jessica Ellis: Our engagement ring's stone came from a rock we found together on an excursion along South Africa's coast last year
Jessica Ellis: After finding the right size stone from the quartz and two pieces of turquoise off the stone on Dave's neck, they designed a wax model...
Jessica Ellis: Dave whisks up a plaster mold of the wax model.
Jessica Ellis: the plaster mold is baked in a high temperature oven for 6 hours.