~Ellie~: Pretties
~Ellie~: Ready to cave?
~Ellie~: Eldon Hole
~Ellie~: Gaping Gill
~Ellie~: Preparing
~Ellie~: Winnats Head
~Ellie~: Winnats Head
~Ellie~: Rafting in the sump
~Ellie~: Preparing the raft
~Ellie~: Winnats head
~Ellie~: Underground hyperness
~Ellie~: Water icicle
~Ellie~: Water icicle
~Ellie~: Lorrie in Water icicle passage
~Ellie~: Rendezvous in Gaping Gill
~Ellie~: Looking over the quarry
~Ellie~: Eldon Quarry
~Ellie~: Curtain in Sidetrack
~Ellie~: Priddy Green Sink
~Ellie~: Cave life!
~Ellie~: Traversing
~Ellie~: Me and Rosie
~Ellie~: The arch in GB
~Ellie~: Just a bit muddy
~Ellie~: First time rigging
~Ellie~: Boulder of dooooom
~Ellie~: Walking to Lancaster Pot
~Ellie~: IMG_1189
~Ellie~: IMG_1194
~Ellie~: Stals and helictites