elley (Linda): Barcelona harbor panorama
elley (Linda): Barcelona harbor cable cars
elley (Linda): Street flowers
elley (Linda): La sagrada familia
elley (Linda): There's just too much people...
elley (Linda): ...and when you finally get a decent view, a tourist bus shows up and blocks it.
elley (Linda): Looking at all the details involved you can sort of see how the work on it has dragged on for so long.
elley (Linda): Åke, mom and Jenny looking up at La Sagrada Familia
elley (Linda): This is such a weird building with such a crazy mix of details. Amazing though.
elley (Linda): Old vs new.
elley (Linda): My youngest brother and our mom
elley (Linda): Proof I was there ;)
elley (Linda): Åke at Parc Guell
elley (Linda): Panorama shot from Parc Guell
elley (Linda): Pine cones sure don't look like this at home
elley (Linda): An oddly normal building for the site
elley (Linda): Still not sure what that structure is
elley (Linda): So, I suppose, on my brother's iphone there's a picture of me with a camera
elley (Linda): The view from Parc Guell
elley (Linda): Barcelona panorama from Parc Guell
elley (Linda): Mom, Åke & Jenny at Parc Guell
elley (Linda): Jet at Parc Guell
elley (Linda): Gaudí's home
elley (Linda): Just another oddly shaped structure
elley (Linda): Way too crowded for my taste
elley (Linda): These amazing benches ran through the entire flat area